Friday, January 13, 2017

The 7 mm-08 A Replacement For the 7 Mag? Let's Find Out

In an earlier article I shared the story of a disaster with my Savage 116 stainless 7mm Mag.  This is not the first of it's kind with this gun.  I have questioned my abilities, my nerve and even my manhood over this gun!  I am now pretty sure I have an issue with the gun and I don't suck so badly after all as I have made the same shots with other firearms with no trouble.

I am now retiring my 7 mag and pulling a Stevens 200 in 7mm-08 off the bench and out of the safe.  It will finally get it's turn as first string, across the canyon, deer rifle.  I have a box of 139 grain spitzer bullets that start the round development off.  I'm pretty sure that I will use IMR 4064, but I will develop a load that the gun prefers.  I have found this gun does not like polymer tipped projectiles for some reason.  I have achieved promising results with soft tips, however.  

History of this gun-  I purchased this rifle from a friend at work a couple of years ago.  It was a bare bones cheap Stevens 200 with a cheap Tupperware stock and for some reason it kicked like a mule. This little 7mm-08 would absolutely punish you at the range.  I made a few mods and have improved its performance as well as its disposition on the bench. It's a pleasure to shoot now. 

The Mods- After shooting the gun as I received it it was not pleasant and really didn't shoot very well.  It had a terrible trigger and stock.  I replaced the trigger with a Timmney and put a good Hogue stock and added a bi-pod for weight and stability. The trigger is crisp and the recoil is a sweet, loving nudge as we shoot.  All this was done a couple of years ago and since then it's been a safe queen.

Popular opinion is that the "7-08" will perform well for my needs, which are currently shots at about 200 to 400 yards with very little need for 400.  I have always liked the caliber and look forward to exploring its abilities as well as my own.

I would greatly enjoy hearing your opinions and comments on this caliber and topic.  Please feel free to engage in the comments box provided below.

-Steve Smith-

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